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Cancer and Virgo Compatibility Horoscope

Cancer Man and Virgo Woman -- Emotion vs. Reason!

He will make her feel like a nineteenth century female. He will heartily respond to her shyness, her little insecurities, her warmth and the way she blushes when he compliments her on her intellect. She'll love the way he courts her and treasure his concern when she catches cold. She'll be thankful for the way his affection makes her feel appreciated at last. When she is with him, she feels emotionally secure for one of the first times in her life, while he feels this is a fantasy he has always hoped for. Together they can take each other to many wondrous emotional places, where everything urges them to enjoy the kind of happiness they never had before.

Cancer Woman and Virgo Man -- You will need to work hard!

Although her moods often confuse him, her intense emotions provide him with encouragement and give him tremendous comfort. He is as insecure as she is, though he covers it up with willpower and acute logic. She will evoke his more vulnerable emotions, and he will help her to filter life through her head as well as her heart. Basically, he is a cerebral individual, while she is exceedingly emotional. However, if each of them can come to respect the other's perspectives and learn to work through rather than around them, this could be a relationship of lasting value and could eventually lead to marriage.